Friday, December 13, 2013

Plant Profile: Anubias Bateri var. Nana and Anubias Bateri var. Bateri

Why I love this plant: this plant does not need CO2 boosts or extra fertilizers and it grows under low light. Why is that important? Simply because it saves money! But I also love this plant because of how it looks. It gives the tank a lovely voluminous look with great shading and perfect hiding spots for shy critters. One other big plus about Anubias are that they don't get eaten up by herbivorous fish! In the past I have been able to successfully grow and split the plant. However, it takes a very long time to do so. My first A. Bateri var. Nana was purchased 3 years ago, and is currently still growing inside my sister's 10 Gal goldfish tank. Great plant. Highly recommend it for beginner planters!

Originating from Africa, this plant is a slow growing hardy plant. It is considered an easy plant because of it's hardiness. This plant has large broad leaves and add a wonderful deep green color to the look of the tank. 

The plants have a root system that comes from a bulky rhizome. A. Bateri var. Nana has much smaller leaves in comparison to A. Bateri var. Bateri. I have purchased both for my fishtank. I was able to pick up the A.Bateri var. Nana from Petco, and the A. Bateri var. Bateri from 405 Tropical Fish in Westminster, CA. 

Since this is a slow growing plant, it takes a long time for the plant's roots to establish itself on a rock or a piece of driftwood. Most aquarists recommend tying the plants with some fishing line or thread to the rocks or wood. I personally prefer wood! 

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