This winter weather has been taking away all of the water in my tank (I say "winter" but really... I live in Southern California...I really shouldn't complain). My sister's fiance turns on the heating system in the house to keep the house warm at night. (Too warm in my opinion! I am sweating bullets when I wake up in the morning). But because of the dry heat, it causes the water in my tank to evaporate at an alarming rate! In one week I loose about 1.5 cm of water from the top of my tank. So, to combat the rate of evaporation, I had to create a cover for the tank. I'm not the best at DIY so give me a break about how it looks OK?!?! Maybe I'll give it a second go. But for now this will do.
Purchased some cover "clips" off of for about $8. They're not really clips. They are more like slips. I thought I purchased 5mm clips, but they turned out to be 6mm, but it works anyways. The slips don't fit perfectly on the glass and kinda hang down a little (boooo! dislike!) but it works to hold up the acrylic sheet I purchased from homedepot.
After cutting everything up, I placed the clips on the glass, and laid the acrylic that I cut out on top. Looks like this!
Hopefully the water won't evaporate as much. Plus, now that I know I can just hacksaw the acrylic, I might try again to cut the sheet to fit the top of the aquarium better. All I need is to find the time to do it! Busy busy!
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