Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ditch the moss!

So I decided to ditch the moss, because I did not buy enough to make a good mat, and it grows very slowly. It did start to grow a bit, but with recent acceptance letters from graduate schools, I am now on a time limit on how much longer I will have my tank! Maybe, if the school I choose is close enough, I may be able to keep my tank. If not, one lucky person gets to have my tank.

I still want to create a carpet of some sort, but didn't want to try another moss because I wanted a lighter green carpet cover to contrast with the darker leaves of the anubias. I decided to pick hemianthus callitrichoides (HC) also known as dwarf baby tears. I have never used HC before so I hope that it will do well in the tank. I will post a plant profile about it in a week or two so that I can give a better review of the plant.

I also purchased this plant:

I'm not 100% sure what it is, but if I were to guess it is a ludwigia repens also known as creeping primrose. I thought the red color would give more life to the tank, and add more coverage as well. The shrimp are enjoying the new plants!